Saturday, February 16, 2008 ♥ 0 Comments

Such a nice,cold and rainy weather we have today... i'm lovin it so badly and hopefully i'll not get a headache soon. As obvious, i overslept again [i guess Moon will said sumthin like this-Mun- "andangnya cRain tue...time2 org bawa bjln...ada2 saja tah happeningnya tue...krg lambat dtg...buang kes tia tue"...hehehee...nda jua Moon??]but thank god my cuzzy was still there and woke me up and yeah...i managed to get myself done but not ready by the time Simpson texted me up..

*Simpson-"ready udh kamu??"
*Rain- "yup2....siap udh nee" [siap nini mu haji~ baru siap mandi kali aaaa~ hahaha...p nda jua batah m'yalin baju kali i just said siap udhlah~hohoho]

Within less than 5mins Simpson dtg.....aiyooo~ a2 laju~ i thought ia m'aga Dk dulu..well,get all my stuff and ate all my soup and there comes a new day for meeeee~[not meee maggie aaa~ it's me a.k.a saya...pahamknn?wahahaha]

i'm lovin the day...Rain~ and yeah....Rain is cold that it made us wanna go to the toilet saja but still,im lovin and enjoyed the day so calmly and peacefully....and why is that???that's 'coz i didn't [and thank god] accidentally/coincidentally met someone i dislike[a.k.a some who used to bullied me a lotzzzz!!!!! waaahhh....a2 mental???!!!kerekzz~]and thanks to Moon again for telling us such a funny and hillarious story~[wahaha...i've longed waited for such story like that!!!seriously Moon like i told u tadi...if only u recorded the conversation masa tueee~wahhh!!!gempak bumi!!!hahaha] thank u for making my day so wonderful [for those yg nda paham tueee....bagusss~buat2 saja nda paham....dun ask if u feel like u'll not get any benefit from it~hoho...]

oooooo~how and why did i get my butt to Simpson's car???come2....aiyoooo....easy mahhh~angkat punggung, kluar umah, buka pintu keta simpson and there goes my butt in her car~hohoho!!! da reason was 'coz today ubd was having a forum [i think so??!!!] such things like introducing their courses and such stuff to freshman like us who are so anxious and curious abt studying in ubd..Well,congrats to ubdians~ and loving the forum 'coz it does help us to choose which courses we want to take and it does help us to decide what course will be our 1st and 2nd choice...buktinya~DK whom at 1st was planning to take B.A Education now changed her mind to Public Policy. Yeahhhh2...omedeto!!!and domo arigato-gozaimass~for helping and guiding us~domo2...

ooohhh2...Moon~seriously...i'm really2 sorry for forgeting ur existance at aaaaa....for "quite a short period of time"[nda jua batah ku lupa ko tue eehhhh....skjpppp sajakn??~hehehe]well, who's to blame???too-san saja org a2 escapeee~hehhehee....but still dpt jua ku jumpa ko kn akhirnya~and yeah....that's what make my day interesting be able to meet my dear frens~

ooohhh2....i met G-1 at the library and yeah...still da G-1 i knew,the same ol buddy during our primary school time...hehehe...the only different is dat~he's getting even more...more....hmmmm...apa aaa~[kajap aaaa~m'liat dictionary ku dulu~] aha~got da word....'sophisticated'..yup2...dat's the best word to describe him~and yeah...seeing him holding da big ol book makes me feel like he do have the criteria of being a teacher...[luruskh ayat ku tuee???]hohohho...[not to those yg baca neee...jgn gto G-1 aaaa~kambang-kampis idungnya krg~mun m'latup ilang hensemnya krg~hehee]

Went to ubd wf Dk and Simpson and yeah...thanks to Simpson for helping us so much though i know she's busy and ada class g tue tadi...1st we went to da library kn m'cari history and geograhy references..Well,since we r not tied wf dat school anymore so we've lost da privilage of enjoying to have and to be able to read books freely[yeah..andangnya tuee...udh ilang baru tah kn sadar b'tapa b'untungnya kami tue dulu...when will i even learn my lesson ehhh??]and thank god~there's lots of book and references available jua duit kuuu~

hmmm....who else did i met???ooohhh2...kaka Ana and my cuz,Hardy...kaka Ana was da one yg tagur dulu....didn't get to realised her existance there...t'lampau byk org...baik jua ia m'nagur...mun nda...ada kna ucap ambungg~Hardy...well,bet he didn't even know that it was me...pkai tudung...hehehe...[apa nya Moon td??? Moon-'perempuan melayu t'akhir~" ahahha...]

everything was done and i get what i want and so crowded there~and we did went for lunch somewhere around kiulap. I was so damn hungry so Simpson just langgar any restaurant nearby...not gonna mention da restaurant name for i dun wanna offend da ownerlah...the atmosphere there is so nice,calm and serene...well, maybe 'coz it's working hours so nda crowdedlh...ada buffet but i prefer yg biasa sajalh..n so i orderedlh...the waitress is very nice and friendly...a credit for them but not for the food..i was so dissapoint and i felt like i wanna complaint but eventually i just keep it to myself...[takut krg d'ucapnya kami tu meng'ada2~so i just leave it be lah...who knows that one day ada g org complaint...i meant yg lebih layaklh m'bagi complaint too young nway~ppl won't look my way~hohoho]

nuthin much happening today...but at least i get what i want....those books and references for my revision for my upcoming exams and i get to meet Simpson and Moon....yup2...i guess that's da 1st time since last year i get to meet Simpson...i think Simpson-good luck for ur upcoming exams~Ganbatte yoo~ (^O^)% cMoon jln m'ampu ampau kali nee masa neee~[hahaha....luruskh tu Moon???hehehhe]

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