Monday, April 16, 2007 ♥ 0 Comments

Well…well what has happen today ah… ok…lets just start from yesterdaylah~~ hehe…kemarin(14/4) after balik skulah trus zoom kEasyway,lepak wf Munerah..what else…wirelesslah~ n what has happen was that I’ve made up my mind to create another new blog at another website n dumped my oldies just like that incomplete…~(wah~~ serious sgt ku b’ceta ah..mcm org tingalkn boyfren...hehehe)

Well,basically is b’coz blog lama ku 2 nda dpt simpan pict…bukan nda dpt…its just that …wah~~ u seelah how I write my blog…ada picts kn~~~ I mean ca2 bah~~ get it?? So munerah offer this websitalah(my blog site ryte now..hehe…promoting againkh??)n it took me more than an hour just to complete my 1st blog sedangkan aku udh prepare blog a2 awl2 g…sadis eh~~ rasa jua kn mau blog diri a2 lawa~ haha.. n munerah at that time was laughing at me for being dummies… bad..n so da rest of the time I stabbed it wf editing manga….hm…apa yg kmi ceta ah??wah~~~I cannot recall anything eh!!!Mun…if u read this blog…gto aku apa sja yg kita ceta msa 2???what happen to me ah??

oh2.....i remember now...a2kn....msa me edit my profile,i filled the b'day datelah...n udh me view..guess what??!!my Chinese zodiac is Rabbit!!!Sadis~~~ for all of this time ku pkir aku Dragon n i was so proud of it...seriously even till now i still cannot accept it!!!(my soul is still wandering around sumwhere~~)* still sad u noe..*

but...sumhow...i found that being a rabbit is not that badlah...(me-"am i so dense?")'s some description abt Rabbit...i'll try my best to accept it..hehehe

Then around 4 sumthin…unexpected guest dtg..(shall I call him guest Mun?)its Mun’s crush!!!wahaha…n Mun’s face was like hehehe….blushing~~ so sweet of you~~n to mek it short dat guy duduk tia wf us b’coz rh kmi ada socket plug..n eventually aku balik dulu n Munerah has to spend the rest of her time facing her worst nightmare~~~WAHAHA(nightmare??i dun think so…”sweetmare”hahaha…skati aku ah mbuat ayat baru..) (Munerah-dummy~)(me-!!) (me-….)

N sooooooo… its Sunday~~such a lovely weekend~ urrggghh......i dun think so....supposedly its a lame n boring weekend...~ why??well 1st aku kelam kabut mandi 'coz my bro mau jln awl...sadis bah smpai tuala ane pun ku angkut2 skali k2tong ne(rambut ku alum ku sampat karingkn~)...n bro parked rh tmpat sampit (at that time trun tia ujan..labat g 2...)n so i have to ran...b'coz im carrying the lappy...n resultnya sama jua....basah lagi...then dgn terrornya Easyway 2 ku buat mcm umah sndiri...dsana ku m'gelap rambut ku dgn tuala yg ku angkut dr umah ah...kerek~(msa 2 alum ada customer...awl msh..hehe)n guess what??!! bro balik tarus!!!sadis~~~aku ikut balik sapa???!!

Actuallynya me trun k2tong ne kn kPantai,KONONNYA ada reunion party...kali udh dtg sana.....
*everybody*(yg supposedly kmi panggil frens aka our intake)were just..."staring" at us just like that...not even welcoming us to join them...n not even say "hai"~~~(except for Faisal)i feel so invisible bah~~sadis eh~~n what is so damn worst...i didn't have my breakfast!!! bro tu punya pasal!!!n *everybody* at that time mcm m'restricted mknan a2 dr kmi...(izy,Dk & me)well..mayb 'coz kmi bawa parut sja...walla...walla~apa jua kmi nda mau..m'nahan lapar sja..n so the rest of the time kmi rh pantai jalah..taking picts...n bla..bla...n rupa2nya its not just us yg kna treated mcm a2...yg lain pun kna jua...(M'umpat dskulah..hahaha..everybody's complaining...dgr sja tia..hehe) then udh suma org kn balik n udh mkanan kn abis bru tah kmi kana panggil...n yg teruknya those leftovers a2 pun kna book...Sadis eh~~n so i decided not to take anything...mcm nda ikhlas sul drg...

oh2...B4 me kPantai..pginya Ana ada dtg kjp chill wf me..n i tink dats da 1st time kmi bjumpa in this yr...wah~ its been ages kmi ah...tua udh...hahaha...i hava no idea apa yg kmi ceta...gpun feel uncomfy 'coz dlenxnya ada dsna..pyah kn bceta2...

hm....where were we??ah2...lapas kPantai kmi kCMall,n at the same time Munerah ada txt..ktanya ada "Japan lucky draw"...Lucky draw t'krg~ actuallynya a2...Japan like Judolah...not surelah~kali udh sampai drg abis udh buat show...p kn~~~haha..drg lepak rh Feaz...n n kmi was like so damn hungry p "poket bocor", sadis..$1 sja ada aku bwa n so was izy,larak sul kmi..mau nda mau mun udh parut lapar mkn roti kosong ja kmi..jd tah~so kmi mkn rh feaz n i saw 1 cute guylah~~he's one of the Aikido's member type2....n msa kmi m'order, 1 of the waitress asked us f we r 1 of the Aikido's member...n we were like~~haha....jahat otak kami 2...p last2 kmi say indalah~~ hehehe

lastly me settle down rh easyway..drg Dk blik, n Munerah trun lepak wf me..followed by Ambri,roy n my bro(dtg tia balik my bro ah...k'dasur bnr~ mati2 ku pkir kn ikut balik sapa...)...n me as a dummy have learnt sumtin new again...k'dasur buta tech(Dk said im totally dense...n yeah she totally agree wf me)
(me-"im 2 dense 2 noe im being fool...sadis eh~"')oh2...iatah kn...msa 2 my wireless connection nda mau connect...punyalah batah ku connect2 nda jua mau...kali rupanya2 switch lan nya b'off!!!n Munerah was the 1 2 found out abt it...malu aku...(k'dasur..tau pkai laptop sja...isi langsung nda tau apa2..hehehe)

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