Sunday, April 22, 2007 ♥ 0 Comments

urgghh...i overslept 2day n ends up waking at 10.45 when i had already told Mun & Dinin dat we'll be chill at 11 sumtin rh easyway...gross~~ a result instead of Easyway we settle down at Wywy...whatever...since gue dtg lambat...order mknan pun b'tabiat..hahaha..apakn??non-sense reason~ n so i end up order pau sjalah...hehehe...abis chips Dinin leh ku...n so here it goes again..funny or what i dunno what to say...u read it urselflah~ n so when the waiter came n take my order...
*Rain- "chicken pau"
*Waiter- "1?"
*Waiter-"what kind of pau do u want ma'am?"
*Rain-"chicken pau~"
*Waiter-"bbq or special?"

n so within few minutes my pau dtg...i ate it slowly by pinching it bit by habit~ n then...the story's happening~ when its abt to come to its core...hahaha...apakn? i mean isi pau ah...guess what??i said chicken ryte???but this?!!! its horse!!!!wahahaha...Dan...sorry...~ i somehow miss u 2day(this joke is specially made for Danny..hehe).hehehe...anyway...back to where we were...nah~ its not a horse...its peanut bh!! omigod!!!its not gross....but~~ that's not what i want ryte? n so i was planning to complain...hehe..not reallylah...just wanna ask whether i was wrong or him?n so the waiter just cross by ignoring us...well basically he didn't notice uslah~ n i was so damn pissed to wait that i grabbed his dress when he's passed by...wahahaha!!*devil laugh* he's kinda shocked though n worried maybe? my bad..guess no 1 had done such thing like that to him b4...opps!!? hehehe...

Rain-"ummm...its peanut??"
Waiter-"umm..its bbq.."
Rain-"well yeah...but it taste like peanut.."
Waiter-"u said bbq ryte?"
Rain-"yeah...bbq chicken kn~ what is bbqkn?"

n then ia mcm m'alah n grabbed my plate n me with a sudden reaction pun tarus grabbed the plate for actually he was planning to replace it with a new 1 but i insisted...n we were like mcm main "tarik kalat" hahaha...sadis eh~ what have i done here..?!i am so troublesome...always cause trouble....n in the end....abis jua pau a2 leh ku..hehehe..

next is abt Munerah's cd installer, well Munerah keeps on urging me to install mozella at my lappy for she said it is better than others n so i take the cdlah..(kmi msh dWywy msa 2)n since im bz wf my manga's stuff i just placed the cd on the table n to mek it short....msa ku kn m'install tetiba ilang tia cd a2..?! ntah kmana aku pun nda i asked Munerah...nda jua tau...ruah2 beg...cri seluruh meja nda jua jumpa....n then all of us settle down n tried to recall....

*Munerah-"Bukannya ko ampai atas meja tdkn?"
*Munerah-"i tink ko ampai atas sumtin td...p ku nda ingat apa bendanya..."

...n so kmi pkir2....pkir2...pkir2...n in the end...hehehe...apa nah??

*Rain-"oh2...i tink atas menu td..."

MENU?!! n that menu...i've just given it back to the waiter(waiter yg dgn ku "b'tarik kalat" awl2 td hehehe)ooooohhhh....grosss!!!what have i done again!!!i am so dense....waaaaa.....sorry Mun~~honto ne gomenasai
in the end..we just leave it be..

Dinin, on the other hand, have to take off early since he has some task to do n so there's only left with Munerah & me continuing what we're doing...with those waiters standing beside us with fiercing expression~~ bad..

Hours later maybe~ im not sure what time was it when we're kicked by sum bunch of "lads"(its gurls actually)well...basically there's only 2 plugs available in that restaurant n we have it all(well...1st come 1st serve ler~~)n guessed they've waited so soooooo damn bloody long(it's less than hour n im so sure of that!!i just saw them came in)that those lads keep on hitting the chair n knocking it so hard that i can feel 1st i thought it was some tiny tot kiddies...n so just ignore itlah...but when Munerah keeps on looking up way above me that i finally sensed there's sumtin wrong with those ppl at my back....n yes....1 of them approached us..

*lads-"um...xcuse...batah lagi kmu kh?kmi kn pkai plug...bateri kmi kn abis bah.."

she said it out directly at Munerah's face...n i dunno y...guess its because Munerah is so tiny...haha...sorry offence eh~~ whilst me....when she faced me i just stared sharply at her that she just ran off n didn't even dare to say such word...Wah~~teens 2day ah~~~no respect at all...n when i stand up to look who's behind me...n wow...suprisingly...its a teenage with a tiny tot...n i think they're kind of cunny for they've prepared something to back my theory lah...such that i suspected that it was that teenage who keeps on knocking & hitting the chair ('cause i can feel it so badly...n what kind of strength does a little gurl have to hit the chair so hard..)n guessed they mind think i'll will get irritated n gone mad n yelled at them...n in the end they'll just said that it was the tiny tot who did it....CURSED on them??!!

so mau nda mau Mun & i just took off(i hate fighting) n settle down at Easyway...duduk semeja with Sr. Wong g..hehe....oh2 b4 that...i was having probs with transportation..nada org aga balik...sadis eh!!hehe..n so i logged msn cari mangsa!!!(apakn???)n finally...i found Ambri...hehe..well,actually he's da 1 who greet me obvious anyway~

*Rain-"mana ko lenx?"
*Ambri-"umah kg...napa?ko mana ne?"

KG???hehe...this lately ia slalu tido bdr..n so when i saw the word "kg" immediately i start fishing..hahaha..what kind of phase is that..ah...u noe what i meankn~

*Rain-"tutong msa kmari eh.."
Ambri-"lah...nda dpt lenx..ku buat assigment ne.."

Assignment?!! sooo doom...somebody~~~help me??!!(but hey~~ its not over yet......lets read the next chapter..hehe)

*Rain-"waa...kmari wah...plsss..."
*Ambri-"lau ada xtra laptop mau ku..."
*Rain-"bah...u use my lappylah.." (dlm hati-"just get ur damn butt here will ya...byk songeh jua eh..")
*Ambri-"mmm..lanja jua aaa.."
*Rain-" minuman easyway krg"
*Ambri-"lah...aku mau mkn nada org umah ne.."
*Rain-"" (just bait him with food then he'll do what u want..hehe)
*Ambri-"yeah!!!..napa ne kn jumpa ne..rindukh??"

n i was abt to say "nda...nada org antar balik.."...n instead of saying it i said...

*Rain-"auuu...rindu...rindu ku kn cium kau....hehe"(dun mistaken it k~its not kissinglah~this lately i have a habit of smelling his odour bah...he is so sweet~~sweet2 mcm gula2..hehe)

n yeah!!!he came...n im saved..hehe..oh2...forgot to introduce him...he's,Ambri, my 1st cuzen on my father's side...we're so closed actually...

...n so do i~~!!'s Munerah's love story again~~ wanna hear it guys??well...i just telllah...f u dun wanna noe u just skip itlah...but its funny u noe...funny to say that its a coincidence for dat guy to chill at 2tong whenever there's Munerah,sdangkn slama ane ia nda pnah lepak 2tong...what da ya say???any comment?Dinin...Dan??anyone?hehe...biar Munerah mare~~

n so Munerah's crush ends up lepak wf kmi..duduk semeja g 2....n Ambri yg mati2 ckp kn buat kaja awl2 td ends up with msn-in n checking frensta~~ walla2...apa ne??n so gross dat i couldn't download my manga at that time... glad that in the end i came home safely...hehe..thanks Ambri...luv ya cuz~~

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