Sunday, May 20, 2007 ♥ 0 Comments

*psss....psssss~~~(adeh..dih...~ b'taburan air liur ehh~ hehehe)-inda wah...just wanna inform u guys that f kmu kn bca the manga mean bubblenya, pls read from right to the left k~

* - if u notice…there’s some grammatic error…y so? Well…just u continue reading..(anyway…lau ku b’ckp pun bukannya clear sgt…sama jua suara ku sarut msh~ hehehe)

Mun-apa nya mu??! Dummy??

Dinin-ouch2…ei2..ei2…ouch2…sakit ooiii…what have I done kn?? Wei~ slow eh..

(Kuning bunyinya ehhh…wahahaha)

Mun-“tau udh cRain lari..napa nda gto awl2…nah2…rasa-in luu..!!!

**** puas antam Dinin…Mun immediately~~~

*skritch2…skritch2(bunyi dustbin irit2…)

*Munerah-" i tink i heard sumthin...."

Hehehe…how’s the intro guys???wahahhaa….not bad eehhh???Mun thanks to u again yg m’majal sgt kn m’yuruh aku m’update blog ku ne(including Dinin jua...sama jalh kmu 2 tueee~) that I came up with this idea…hohohoho(psss.. f u force me again..ku kutuk ko g ne nanti~wahaha..biar ko jd watak utama yg jahat~ hohohoho)

soooo much thing happening that I couldn’t even tell it to u guys myself…so u just readlh~

what u guys gonna read below was my 1st blog from my old blog…heh I told u guys that I dumped my old blog kn~~ come2…read it urself..

*Dinin,at the same time too felt unable to defeat Munerah…n so….ia pun~~~~

m’lapaskn k’marahannya rh gue~~~ wargHHHH!!!!???

Waaa….over to the maxxx ehhhh….kattun tah bnr!!!!~~ wahaha…anyway thankz to Dan..4 wasting ur credit!!hahha..sure do i dun even remember what we were babbling abt..but hey~ i really appreciate it so so me again k

oh yeah.... this is another story from my old blog..-im not sure whether i was being fooled or was it just an accident since it was happening in April Fool's mth...well...basically this is abt Dk!!!some of u guys might already know her(by da way..She's da most kerek fren i ever had)ok2...where were we??ah...Dk...well,yesterday(2nd April) she lend me her cd..its a story based on a Japanese comic called Uzumaki(meaning Pusaran)its a thriller story's the story...

my bad~ ok...lets get back to business. Well, when i came back home, i automatically shoved the cd inside the dvd's player & i was waiting like a dummy in front of the tv with enthusiasism (2 remind u again...its a thriller movie) n SuDDenLy~~ jenG...JenG..JenG~~~~

TELETUBIES pop out on my screen!!! dgn nyanyiannya yg lalalala~ g tueee...n i was like---

what the heck is this??!!

Damn u Dk!!! cursed on u!!!! (Dk at that time......)

mental taruss ehhh lehnya....seriously~ mcm kna main2kn rasanya eh...p bnrlh..Dk dun really meant to do'incident eh??? ngam2 g time April Fool tuee...baik jua liat sorg2...mun inda...malu ehhhh!!! & guess what?? my Bro pun t'kana jua..n i was like org gila ktawakn ia!!! (kes nda dpt bls dendam rh Dk...knakn org lainlh~ hehehe) & even Maezatul pun t'kna jua..wahaha..syokk ehh...! be continuelh.....udh aaa.....sampai sini ja dulu aaaa......nanti g sambung....aaaa...aaaa....ecehhh~~~hehehe

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