Saturday, April 14, 2007 ♥ 0 Comments

warghhh….~ so damned bored 2day .as always…being jobless whether at school or at home..its all the same…so lame~ well…still doing the same thing as always, only entering 1 class and the rest of the time… just stabbed it with downloading manga n editing manga….
wahahahaha….i suddenly recall sumthing!!!!cannot stand it when it cross my mind…well actually it was when I was watching movie with munerah n dinin on this last Sunday(8/4/07)…hhhmmm…what was its title… sumthing like “jgn pandang/toleh kblakang”…a “sort ov” horror movie anyway…well,what’s so funny was …we made fun of the movie…its not like we didn’t focus…well yeah we did…but we just can’t get ourselves to think abt the sided-view…n what made me really laughed was when the grandma was “krasukan” n guess what she said when the imam questioned her?? It was like…
Imam-“sapa kau?” …..
grandma-“sapa aku??aku….~ BAPAK KO!!!!Wahahha”
….hahaha crap with that scence…but hey~ I enjoyed watching it though…n there’s another scene when that “thing” was acting like “control ayu”.i mean mcm bini2 menantang lelaki…n what was funny is that that “thing ” waves its hair like that of “teknik rebonding”!!hahaha…(supposedly it was trying to scare ppl bh…but ntah ah…I just find it funy bah!!!really~)

well..for those who likes horror movie, better go n watch it…its not really scary after all nor that it is a lame one…f im alone watching it at the cinema..well yeah..4 sure I admit that it is scary,but if at home..though alone..i think im fine with it…well..just u guys go n watch it with frens or family…its funny!!!i like it when its happeninglah…during the normal days..its lame…why?well basically b’cos the actress is boring n “control ayu” n it pissed me off when she keeps on asking “kenapa ne?” n it takes time 4 her to say such words…wah~~~punyalah batah menunggu…n 1 more thing…when it was abt to the end I just don’t like the way they show that “thing”@ how that “thing” movelah…it imitates “The Ring” bah….boring~~ hahaha…but some of its act ada jualah a bit thriller…n I was shocked to death when that “thing” showed its 1st appearance to the main actor…well…that’s ‘coz kmi duduk siring skali…ampir speaker!!!n 1 more thing..the funny scenelah(in my case anyway…)was when that “thing” crawled towards the actor, me…. at that time was staring at how that “thing” move bah…n guess what??ia mcm “bangkang2” n actually ia duduk rh kerusi n kana tariklah~ kdpn(sided-view)Gotcha!!!wahaha….
ah!!!sorry anyway….i mean my comments abt the movie…well…no further argumentslah…just u go n see it for urself…its my pt of view anyway…n to conclude..i mean abt the movie…I think its oklah…scarrry but funnny like that of the “scary movie” one…hehehe..hope u guys enjoy watching it sumday~
ryte now rh umah eroy…nah jobless..lepak2,well actually can m’burn anime p hard discnya tetiba buat hal…ktanya gugur td pg…wah~~~ so pissed!! so…mau nda mau…just duduk teranah~(apakan??hahaha)

ah….anyhow…in continuation..on dat Sunday…after liat wyang kmi mknlah rh food court..well..junk…dim sum n ice cream!! Hahha..munerah blanjalah!!!thanks mun~~ n thanks to dinin too..he drives all the way from tutong to bdr for us n for our sake jua ia sanggup cancel his plan wf his technic-frens…n on top of that..although it was actually munerah’s plan to go to the movie still I wanna say thank u 2 u guys for spending the weekend with me..dozo2 arigato gozaimass~ n so…da rest of the time….kmi liat expo,then k’kiulap mall…wahaha..its my 1st time there..i mean to the mall ah…well,simplelah…n nda brapa ramai org n ada cinema dsna jua rupanya(sakai aku ah~haha)but ppl still prefer the mall though…

Lucky for us that day was the opening ceremony for the “Daiso” shop..the Japanese shop..lucky in a sense dat we came there spontaneously when it was 1st open…n the bad 1 was that its crowded…ppl came all the way from nowhere just to see n grab what they never seen in Brunei!!walla~~ wall~ biasalah org kita…ada sja kadai baru,,,semua kn d’ruju!!hahhaha….

Anyway,what I dun like is the employee…well I noe why it seems lame to me n dinin..n we even laugh at them..basically is b’coz there r local…not a true Japanese ppl n so…everything is wrong in our eyes…the way they greet ppl esp…wah!!!Anyway..i admired them 4 being very energetic(well…mayb its b’coz its da opening day), n it makes me feel like we r in an alien world@ not in Brunei…hahahabut…..i dun like the way they greet ppl particularly the gurls’ employee(its not that they r rude)..well its basically b’cos in Japanese culture..gurls are teach to speak in a smooth,soft n low voice…but them(the Daiso employee)wah…bukan main labang n lantang suara drg...HOARSE~sampai kn t’pelanting rsanya bah…so impolite..(in my senselh….)n no respect to the Japanese culture....(anyhow…no offence k~) n then kmi t horoughly round2lah the mall….hm... I think I forgot to mention sumthin…apa ah…. oh yeah~~ at the Daiso shop…wah~ alum abis panya ceta ku ne…anywaykan~ msa kmi rh counter mbyr…the employee(locallah~)she was basically doing her joblah…but then entah mcm mana…msa ia pgang bag yg munerah purchase… bckp tah ia….”eh…lawa jua beg ane ah~” n kmi was like she (employee) was laughing at herself n told us that she didn’t notice that beg b4….luan b’gagas mengamas bah….hahaha…poor them but anyway…thank u for the hospitality(in Brunei sense..hehehe)…n as a gratitude to the Daiso’s…I would like to say “Ganbatte kudasai!!!” oh2…ada lagi ada lagi…hehe…therekn~some of the employee
are wearing “yukata” , so nice of them…”kawaii” n for ur info, “yukata” is a summer kimono….seeing them wearing it makes me feel like… “wow…im in Japan ryte now..” haha…spacing out again~ Well…abt the goods they r selling…on the opening day they sell all the goods at the price of B$3.00,worth it, if u like Japanese so muchlah n when comparing it with that of the $1.99 shop…n moreover most of the goods sold are that of the house-appliances n basic needed stufflah~ ada plang brg2 yg lain such as toys… …(am I promoting that shop!!?)anyway…just u go n see it for urselflah…bla…bla…bla…babbling2..hehhehe

Then kmi k’yayasan…dinin kn m’cri speaker…n yeah he found it…me???wat was I searching 4 uh??oh2…cd kosong….well yeah found it…so just grabbed it lah...well…it seems like mcm udh puas bjln2…so we decided to blik 2tong n lepak snalah skjp…n then balik umah …. it’s a good news anyway… the end o this mth..insyallah dinin and the rest of his family will embrace islam…congratulation to them… may God bless them…~~

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