Monday, April 5, 2010 ♥ 0 Comments

Part 1


Here are a few pictures of local fruits we have taken during our out field project, that is, conducting a survey of the goods that are sold by our local sellers.


In our survey we have concluded that of all the fruits sold Banana are the most desired one. Customers especially the businessmen usually buy it to make "cucur pisang" as it sells well. Moreover, the banana is sold in a reasonable price as well as it can be in many types. For example "Pisang emas", "Pisang kapas", "Pisang kaling" and so forth. Businessmen customers usually buy these bananas in the range of 10-15.


Papaya are one of our local favourites but the amount it is sold is quite small as many of our local people plant these fruit themselves. Thus, the local sellers usually order their papaya stock in a small amount, that is, from 5-10 kilogram for 2 weeks.


Pineapple sells well like banana but not in the same amount like banana.Customers usually buy pineapple whenever there is an event.So whenever the local sellers want to pick the stocks they usually estimated the amount to be taken according to the period of time or month.


"Buah pinang" is well known to be one of the elders's favourite snack. The elders eat it almost everyday and is usually serve during some events. The local sellers said that these fruit is well sold among the middle age and the elder group of people.

Small oranges.

These small oranges sell well both to businessmen customers and other customers. It is estimated that in a day at least 10 people will buy 1 pack of these small oranges.


Coconut is the best! People buy it and can use it for many reasons. People can make coconut juice, make 'Santan', 'kerisik','sagun' and many more with the price of only $1 each.

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